September at LROCWA
Hi Everyone
My name is Barry Lavin, and I was elected at the last AGM as the Club President for the next year along with new team of equally willing and highly capable volunteers in the myriad of offices that supports our club and makes it function so well. We look forward to contributing to the Club.
I would like to pass on my thanks to the prior administration lead by Peter Williams, and in which I served as Treasurer, for their wonderful work over the last year and for their offer of continued support to my Team, some of whom have not served on the Committee in these roles before. I trust that your new Committee will continue to steer the Club
to greater heights of enjoyment. Our strengths are our active and vibrant social program as well as the fantastic, day, weekend and extended trips that are planned and lead by our members and that are extremely popular and distinctive of the LROCWA and captured in then indomitable Chariot.
New leadership is a good opportunity for positive change. I hope to engage with Club members and get a feel for any areas that
might benefit from attention from the new management commit- tee including encouraging new membership and greater diversity in our wonderful trip organization.
Looking forward to sharing another wonderful year of WA Land Rovering ahead .. Starting with the Damper bake-off competition at Youndegin
STIRLING COMMUNITY CENTRES CNR CAPE ST & STONE HAM ST TUART HILL In This Issue LROC Committee and Contact Details Minutes of the General Meeting Financial Statement Calendar of Events Birthdays & Anniversaries Coming Social Events Forthcoming Trips Trip Adverts Trip reports Social reports Advertisers Youndegin Barry