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Presidents Waffle - February

G-day Everyone,

Hoping to make this a regular occurance for the month for people to see what the club has been up to and for me to get the word out the big wide world on current events in the club. Stay tuned for these updates!

Well the year has got off to another blinder already with the club breakfast and Australia day fishing

day/night and not to mention the presidents BBQ, where with great sadness we fare welled two of our long term serving members who have retired from the club (they will be missed).

Still with the president's BBQ I would like to thank the Social Co-Coordinator for the organizing of the meat, the cooks and to all that supplied salad and dessert, you all made it for top night, THANK YOU!

At the last meeting we were visited by Jason Hitch who gave a demonstration and talk on a

defibrillator which the club is currently evaluating for the intention to purchase to take on club trips.

As you can see from the Calendar the trips and social are filling up so get your names on the list and I

hope to see you all out there.



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