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Presidents Waffle - April

G Day Everyone, Well the weather has quickly changed which some times puts a bit of doubt in some of your minds whether to go on a trip or not to, I say go because if the Easter trip is any thing to go by the country sure can bring the best out to see.

On that note I would like to thank Steve Sudgen for the quick response to a call of help when he found out that the Holland track was closed due to the rain. Again I would like to mention the 4wd gathering, which will be held on the long weekend in Albany in June we are trying to organise a drive to see some businesses e.g. Sandlewood factory & wineries and on Sunday a day trip to satisfy. So please give it a thought and I hope to see a good turnout. The year is running away from us and our AGM is coming up in July, I have encouraged the members to get involved and nominate onto the committee, there is no better way to get to know your fellow club members and it is good to see the inner working of a club. So keep the wheels turning and the passengers screamin Phill Thomas.

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